SkyCity - Winter Options Studio 2010 - Student Blog Posts

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Must watch Michael Sorkin Lecture from SCI_Arc

Here is the link.  Creating eutopic green cities.
Interesting rule about 250' before a choice while walking through a city.  This sets a block structure.

Link to Studio Sorkin.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Cosmo Player Download

Here is a link to the Cosmo Player download.  DP allows for saving of WRL files directly (under saveas).  This is the file for use in the VR Cave.  Give it a try with one of your project files and then view it with Firefox or Internet Explorer.

Here is a CosmoPlayer screenshot of the water surface I am working on.

Photographic Archive for US Steel - Gary Works

Here is a link to the photographic archive.

Another history of Gary Works with images.

Historic movies about Steel